Sunday, 3 August 2008

Centre Pompidou - Paris

"The Centre national d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou was the brainchild of President Georges Pompidou who wanted to create an original cultural institution in the heart of Paris completely focused on modern and contemporary creation, where the visual arts would rub shoulders with theatre, music, cinema, literature and the spoken word. In a unique location under one roof, the Centre Pompidou houses one of the most important museums in the world, featuring the leading collection of modern and contemporary art in Europe, a vast public reference library with facilities for over 2,000 readers, general documentation on 20th century art, a cinema and performance halls, a music research institute,educational activity areas, bookshops, a restaurant and a cafĂ©."

In the image below are some of my favourite pieces in the Pompidou.

I thought this was a great idea. Christian Marclay, a visual artist and composer, was briefed to promote a local musical festival. He made hundreds of copies of blank musical staves and posted them up around the city. A lot of them were covered over within hours but on the rest, people had drawn on them - musical compositions (some of which expressed a tune, some of which did not), doodles, written messages and many more forms of expression. The idea being that the posters were promoting the city's festival by promoting the sounds of the city's people.

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